Posts by KTAdmin




Our New Campus – Advocates of Love

Every child deserves a safe place to live, learn, and develop. Sadly, children in many places around the world face...

How to Welcome Jesus into Your Life

In Matthew 25, Jesus teaches us that how we treat the least of his brothers and sisters, the neediest among...

Sponsor Highlight – Giving Hope

Giving Hope of New Orleans paid a visit to the Advocates of Love Children’s Home in May. Here is a...

Work Study Programs – Meet Wilberto

Wilberto has lived with us at Advocates of Love for many years. When he turned 17, in the Dominican Republic...

Summer in the Dominican Republic

Summer in the Dominican Republic offers an abundance of activities for adults and kids alike. From snorkeling and kayaking to...

Temporary Care Before Sponsorship

What Is Temporary Care? Temporary care is a short-term, urgent solution while the Children and Adolescents National Council (CONANI) seeks...

How to Sponsor a Child

All children need love, care, and safety to grow and thrive in society. Sponsoring a child has a direct impact...

The Best Mission Trip for Christians – Join God on an Adventure!

A mission trip is more than a destination or stamp in your passport; it is an opportunity to serve and...

Sponsor a Child in Samaná

There are vulnerable children who need your care and support in the Samaná community of the Dominican Republic. Help Advocates of Love make a...

5 Verses to Pray Over the Child You Sponsor

Praying for the child you sponsor is a touching way to share love and encouragement, even when you are thousands...

Why Sponsor a Child?

From infancy to young adulthood, children need to be loved, cared for, and educated to thrive in society. Unlike other...

Winter in the Dominican Republic

Winter in the Dominican Republic is filled with life. While you may be bundled up where you live, visiting the...

Advocates of Love Foundation Support Children in Samaná

You would be hard-pressed to find an island province as visually beautiful and culturally rich as the Samaná Province in...

Travel to the Dominican Republic in 2021

In 2021, safety while traveling is on all of our minds. Traveling to the Dominican Republic is only a couple...

Advocates of love

Bridging Hearts: Advocates of Love and KallistoTech’s Collaboration

Greetings, dear readers! I’m excited to share a heartwarming project that we’ve been working on here at KallistoTech, and it’s...

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